
I have loved being the artist behind Idir Na Línte but I feel that I have been holding myself back and getting in my own way by trying to be loyal to my Idir Na Línte style. My creativity needs more space to grow and expand in whatever direction it’s taking me and so I have decided to change the name to Lucy Cullen Art. DON'T WORRY! Idir Na Línte will still be part of what I do, kind of like a sub-genre. Think “Coco by Chanel”.

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Lucy Cullen
The Origin Of Idir Na Línte

As an Irish Artist I knew that I wanted to incorporate Irish into my business name so I reflected on all the inspirations and motivations behind the pieces, reaching back to the very beginning and arrived at the name “Idir Na Línte”. I loved how it sounded, rhythmic and fluid, but most importantly I loved what it meant, ‘between the lines’. This is the tale of why I chose the name ‘Idir Na Línte’ and what it means to me.

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What does Balance mean to you? To most it conjures sentiments such as poise, equilibrium, alignment, harmony, self-control and serenity; such wholesome holistic words, ideas that we can get on board with, concepts with which we can align ourselves and our values.
These are words that heal.

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Lucy Cullen Comment
Role Model

This piece asks the viewer to think of the role models they looked up to as a child. Who were the role models in your life? Were they aware of this title bestowed upon them and the responsibilities that go with it? Were they worthy or was your admiration misplaced?

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Lucy CullenComment
Back to Front

Whether its your jumper, your knickers or your train of thought, we have all been there – back to front, out of sorts and disconnected.

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Lucy Cullen

I have no idea how I have ended up where I have, which is no where in particular and that’s ok for now as it is where I believe I’m supposed to be.

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Lucy Cullen Comments
Falling Man I & II

In recent years there has been a lot more discussion - exhausting to some, empowering to others - on the role of men and women in today’s society and what is expected of them. Women are encouraged to break tradition, to fight stereotypes, to be independent, to free the nipple, to dominate the business world, to have control of their body, to have a voice

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Lucy CullenComment
The Space Between Us

In my minimal line drawings I gain great satisfaction knowing that each of you will interpret the image in a way that you can relate to. I bring each piece to a point where I feel my initial intentions are held whilst leaving enough space for others to take what they need from it. The response they elicit in others generally reflects an emotion they are experiencing internally or subconsciously, conjuring memories, feelings and relationships of past and present.

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Aims + Impact

When speaking of the impact of my art people have said it speaks to the Self but with no need for explanation. It is open to interpretation and finds a universal language in the human form that makes it accessible to all. The minimalist human form simultaneously capture external beauty and the internal struggles we all face. The simplicity and negative space elicits personal reflection and provokes relatable experiences without judgement

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Lucy Cullen