The Origin Of Idir Na Línte


As an Irish Artist I knew that I wanted to incorporate Irish into my business name so I reflected on all the inspirations and motivations behind the pieces, reaching back to the very beginning and arrived at the name “Idir Na Línte”. I loved how it sounded, rhythmic and fluid, but most importantly I loved what it meant, ‘between the lines’. This is the tale of why I chose the name ‘Idir Na Línte’ and what it means to me.

When I began experimenting with my minimalist style it came at a time when I felt like I couldn’t express how I felt or say exactly what I wanted to say so I left parts out and this meant I had space for movement, it was forever unfinished and others could finish it as they pleased. On a personal level this was huge to me, the concept of creating space for myself in art. I felt like the space “between the lines” was my way of giving myself permission to be incomplete and it was ok to not know the exact words to say. I remember it began to feel like a freeing experience to draw figures that looked so open and accepting of whomever wanted to finish their stories.

The phrase ‘mind over matter’ was also important but perhaps not as it is popularly known. It wasn’t about changing anything but tapping into what was already there in the mind. I wanted to create art that encourages interpretation and asks the mind to discover more than what can be physically seen

When reflecting on my style and process I discovered I wasn’t just creating space for myself, I was creating space in which others could tell their story too. Each individuals experience of my art is unique to them. The incomplete figures invite viewers to inhabit them with their own stories and relate to them in whatever way they need whether evoking memories of love stories, personal struggles, lifelong friendships or perhaps faraway feelings from long ago.

My pieces for the most part have always been emotive but I think when you are portraying the human form it’s hard not to be and I found solace in the fact that I could say just enough without saying too much. I have also created pieces with figures that are more grounded and serene, using my minimal art style to create a new space that perhaps didn’t need a story, but just needed to hold a person in that moment becoming a restorative space.

So to combine these sentiments of space, I have created Idir Na Línte. I hope to bring art into the everyday for everyone, to create a space for you and your stories.

You can browse through my current prints and find your space between the lines here.