

‘It’s all about finding the right balance…or so I’m told.’

The origin of this piece can be traced back to two intentions. The first being an invitation to discuss balance in our lives and the second being a light-hearted dig at an old friend about the Buddhist teachings of the Middle Way. 

What does Balance mean to you? To most it conjures sentiments such as poise, equilibrium, alignment, harmony, self-control and serenity; such wholesome holistic words, ideas that we can get on board with, concepts with which we can align ourselves and our values.
These are words that heal. 

But what about fragile? Ah yes, balance is fragile. Balance is delicate; something to be held, kept, maintained; to be lost and regained. 

To seek the Middle Way in our polarised lives and forever keep our step, this is no easy task and we have no Virgil to guide us on our way as dichotomy abounds. There is no shadow without light, there is no victory without loss, there is no love without heartache. Our pursuit for balance requires that we must first face one to find the other and we must do this alone. These dualities build the world around us and within us; our quest is to walk the tight rope that divides and conquers it all.

Today we scour the earth (and our souls) for a chance at happiness and Balance might be just the ticket. By it’s very utterance it implies a refuge from calamity and who wouldn’t want that? But at what price? When people speak of Balance and all the serenity it has to offer it can often sound dull and restrained, as though finding balance would require denying our expression and our emotions. How many of us are hoping to discover our life’s passion to satisfy our need for purpose only to be told that there is no room for passion in a truly balanced life. Where does passion belong on the Middle Way?

The honest answer is: I haven’t a clue, I’m learning and this lesson lasts a lifetime. Balance is not achieved through suppression and denial but through presence and benevolence. Whatever path we walk we must be more than the sum of our reactions. Don’t add to the noise. Make your interactions kind, dignified and genuine and you will lay the foundations for Balance. 

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