A Family Love Language

Rose’s are red, violets are blue, how do you say ‘I love you’?

When I was growing up, Valentine’s wasn’t really a thing. I remember making Valentine’s cards for my parents in Art class and watching dramatic storylines unfold in TV and films, but that was about it. In my teens there was some scandal in school but for the most part Valentine’s wasn’t anything to get excited about. Until, one year a relative came to visit from America and happened to be staying with us on Valentine’s Day. When we came home from school it was like a VALENTINE’S BOMB went off at the dinner table. My memory is a little fuzzy but I just remember lots of red and pink decorations everywhere, a gift at each seat and cinnamon flavoured sweets and chocolate hearts. It was amazing. I remember, at the time, we didn’t really know what to make of it BUT to this day that memory still stands out and I think that’s worth thinking about. It could’ve just been a regular day.

Some people will roll their eyes at Valentine’s and say they don’t need a day to tell people they love them, that it’s just another hallmark holiday, consumerism, capitalism…etc. etc. That’s all fine, each to their own. But do we say it enough? What’s the harm in having a day dedicated to the celebration of love? It sounds like a good idea to me. 

In my house we love surprises. ANY opportunity to surprise each other and we’re all over it. In fact we just had a surprise party for my Brother’s 30th, led by his Fiancé, and we did surprises within surprises so he would be totally confused. It’s something I have been thinking about a lot in the last year and I don’t think I’d be far off in saying that surprises are a big part of how my family show we love each other. I’d go so far as to say it’s our “love language”( if you are familiar with the popular concept by Gary Chapman). Don’t get me wrong, there’s loads of other stuff too and sometimes we even say nice things to each other, siblings included! Imagine that! But the thought, effort and creative lengths that we would go to for a surprise, just to make the other person smile, that’s my family all over.

So this inspired the first series of ‘Share The Love’ Limited Edition prints. This time last year, I think we can all agree things were pretty grim and I wanted to offer a way to make people feel loved and smile! I wanted to find a way to bring this love of surprises and acts of love into my work as an artist. But I wanted it to be all about LOVE, 360 degrees of love. Not just love for others but love for yourself too. So that’s why I decided to do an offer so that meant you could send one and keep one. Love for them, love for you, love all round! Then I thought, what would make it even more meaningful? When buying gifts for people we love we want to hit them in the feels, right? If it makes them cry, even better. That’s when I thought of personalisation! Including a quote or lyrics or a special date makes that print unique to you. I added some colour to aid us on our way as we emerge from winter into spring. Lastly, let’s be honest here, surprising people isn’t a selfless act, it feels great! How good is that final moment? The big reveal?!

One of the best feelings EVER. 

Whilst Valentine’s Day may be a bit commercial for some, I don’t think we should turn our noses up at it. It’s a great excuse to share the love and make a fuss over the important people in your life and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

Lucy x

Lucy Cullen