

It is my pleasure to
finally introduce....

Lucy Cullen Art

bio pic of Lucy Cullen Artist

First of all I want to say THANK YOU, just the fact that you’re reading this means the world to me.

I have to admit that for the last few months I have felt like The Split Woman, there have been dark days where I’ve felt frozen, pulled in different directions and unsure of what to do next. That was until I stopped trying to be a certain way or create a certain thing, embracing all aspects of my creativity set me free and I'm ready to see what else I can do. I feel like I would be denying who I am if I didn’t; it sounds like a cliche but it really feels like that.

I set up Idir Na Línte nearly 2 years ago! At the time I felt strongly about the name ‘Idir Na Línte’, the meaning behind it meant a lot to me and I loved the way it danced off the tongue, that is, if you knew how to pronounce it. I wanted to have an Irish name for an Irish business but sadly it proved to be more of a barrier than a proud flag. When people wanted to look up my business to see what I do, they struggled; a lot of people didn’t know how to pronounce it or spell it, which is pretty important for word of mouth recommendations and online search engines. But I kept the name because it meant that much to me, ‘Idir Na Línte’ was particularly relevant to my minimal line work because the space “between the lines” was where I invited people to see their own stories.

I have loved being the artist behind Idir Na Línte but I feel that I have been holding myself back and getting in my own way by trying to be loyal to my Idir Na Línte style. My creativity needs more space to grow and expand in whatever direction it’s taking me and so I have decided to change the name to Lucy Cullen Art. DON'T WORRY! Idir Na Línte will still be part of what I do, kind of like a sub-genre. Think “Coco by Chanel”.

But the absolute truth is: I am an artist who is still trying to see what she's made of

If you want front row tickets to watch this play out then you’re in the right place at the right time. In a couple of years you will be able to say you knew me when I was only starting out, you caught a rising star. I have an opportunity to really test drive my creativity and learn from mentors and other artists and I’m don't want to waste it.

Over the next little while you'll see Idir Na Línte morph and change as Lucy Cullen Art takes shape. 
If that’s something that interests you then I am thrilled to have you along for the ride.
As always, thank you for you time, attention and support.

Eternally grateful.

Lucy x

Lucy Cullen