Aims + Impact

When speaking of the impact of my art people have said it speaks to the Self but with no need for explanation. It is open to interpretation and finds a universal language in the human form that makes it accessible to all. The minimalist human form simultaneously capture external beauty and the internal struggles we all face. The simplicity and negative space elicits personal reflection and provokes relatable experiences without judgement.

When I think about the aims of my work they are both private and public. I aim to use my work to find the many routes to express myself, art is not only a a great past-time, it is invaluable to my sense of wellbeing. Art is a vast plane of enriched territory that reveals itself piece by piece to those who dare to explore it. I want to be that pilgrim, to walk barefoot across all mediums and discover as much about myself whilst taking in the stories of those who have gone before me. I aim to connect with others, every time I put a piece of art into the public sphere I am reaching out. I want to learn from others, I want to collaborate, I want to sow art into all aspects of our surroundings and enrich our day to day experiences by doing so. I feel so lucky to have something innately within me from which I can get so much reward. I want to feel fulfilled in this life and I feel fulfilled when I allow myself the time, space and opportunity to be an artist.

Lucy Cullen