Falling Man I & II


In recent years there has been a lot more discussion - exhausting to some, empowering to others - on the role of men and women in today’s society and what is expected of them. Women are encouraged to break tradition, to fight stereotypes, to be independent, to free the nipple, to dominate the business world, to have control of their body, to have a voice. Men are still for the most part held to the archetypal male role of the tearless, fearless, Breadwinner. Whilst these issues don’t bear the same weight of oppression and as such are treated differently, they are a heavy burden to carry nonetheless. When I see the men in my life trying to find their way to live up to these expectations sometimes I find it difficult to watch. Even many who seem to have it together, they are successfully keeping the wolf from the door but there will always be a  howling reminder.

This pair of ink drawings are representative of exactly that. They are falling; the ground constantly rushing to meet them in an eternal free fall. In ‘Fallen Man I.’ the figure is looking down to see what awaits him with his body tense and twisted he is suddenly self aware but not sure how he got here. ‘Fallen Man II.’ is resolved to his fate, he’s not fighting anymore, his body is relaxed as it folds in on itself and he falls. 

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